Unschool was the way human children, like their mammal cousins, learned for millenia. It was not called "unschooling" because the institution of forced education had never been forced upon children until very recently in human history. What is now seen as a new philosophy is not new at all; it is a deliberate attempt to return to nature;s intent, to return children to their natural, organic state of innate passion. ~Laurie A. Couture

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Topic of the Day: Whales

Cory is obssessed with whales and they are often our topic of study. Suits me just fine.  So browsing youtube, we found this video; he and Mara were entranced

We also read a bit about Orcas in the Wildlife Explorer & I pulled out a map to show them the oceans. Whales prefer colder waters but live in all oceans.  I told Cory that the ocean is the whale's habitat.

We then had a short devotion, and thankfully our devotion book is animal based and had a page on whales.  It talked about whales singing and the verse was Psalms 13:6 (I will sing to the Lord because he has been so good to me).  Then we sang bible songs (Jesus loves me & God is wild).

After our lovely (and way out of key) signing time, we sat down and drew pictures of what we think whales look like. Cory did really good, Mara wasn't interested and colored a pic of Dora & Boots instead; she's getting better at identifying her colors!

Then we watched this...

So, subjects covered:
animal science
spelling (whale, ocean, fish)
math (we counted whales and fish in a couple vids)

And all before noon   :)    Lovin' this unschooling life!!

After lunch? Disneynature: Oceans & some discovery channel or animal planet docs

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