Unschool was the way human children, like their mammal cousins, learned for millenia. It was not called "unschooling" because the institution of forced education had never been forced upon children until very recently in human history. What is now seen as a new philosophy is not new at all; it is a deliberate attempt to return to nature;s intent, to return children to their natural, organic state of innate passion. ~Laurie A. Couture

Sunday, August 28, 2011

8/22 - 8/27 2011

it has been a great week around our house, so many impromptu lessons and even a few structured ones.  Mostly digging deeper into animals, ocean life & space.  on monday the 22nd we had the pleasure of watching live streaming video of the ocean (thanks to Visions '11 ROPOS dive 1466)

tuesday we focused on family and the importance of sharing & caring. our list of spelling words for the week were:

i love spelling city and am considering paying for an account. we use the free services right now and i am pretty happy with that.  kids also had fun drawing pictures of mommy and daddy, we are still working on fitting the whole family (5 of us) on one sheet.  they are both still the age where everything is huge.  we practiced writing and cory is still working on his name and a couple numbers.

we had alot of plaing outside and in the pool where we learned its not nice to push our sister underwater; said actions result in a timeout.  While outside we also knocked out our science project of the day by planting lettuce & spinach seeds.

the kids really love the youtube videos and we found lots of great counting videos and phonics and animal videos. we also counted the members of our family and are working on putting together a pictorial family tree! (YAY for art, math & history all in one project!)

stories read this week include:
I Love My Daddy Because
Grandfather Buffalo
Little Fur Family
Big Brother Little Brother
Born Yesterday

mara even got in on the fun and loves doing arts and trying to write!

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